Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What We Wore

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Hello!! Its been a long 2 weeks. Midterms are over and I am now looking ahead to Finals and the next semester. I started a new job and have been called in a few days so, I have not been as active. I will try to be better about posting. If I am inactive on here feel free to follow me on instagram or twitter. I have been better about posting on there when I am not active on blogger. Any whoot! Dan and I were heading to Pet Smart on Sunday to grab our beardie a better heat lamp. Turns out its keeping him warmer. Yay! We took some pictures together. His were cooler than mine because of the hour we went out there. You can't ever guess how the lighting will be in the evenings now. I am so thrown off by the time change. (Yes even after a week, I am not adjusted.) Hope all is well with you lovelies. I will be sharing my midterm artwork this week for sure.

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  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your hair! You're so gorgeous! And you two look adorable together :]

  2. Totally digging the hair and those boots make me so happy, if only I could fit them to borrow them.. Plus, you two are every bit of adorable!

  3. The double-buns are AWESOME! Can't wait until my hair is long enough to do pigtail styles again. & I love that first picture of you too--so cute!

    1. Thank you! :D I have been having a love affair with double buns! Haha!

  4. Aww <3 *^_^* You guys are adorable! I love your man's jacket. I want it! Hehe Beautiful colors in your outfit! I love your boots and little hair puffs! :D

    - Anna

