Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Orange You Clad

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Hello Lovelies! Yesterday, Texas finally started feeling a bit more like the REAL November that I know and loved in New York City. COLD! A Nice, breezy, cold front rolled in during the late afternoon which caused me to reach for my peter pan collared baby doll swing coat! I love this coat with all my heart. I feel like a little fancy lady wearing it. Also, on Monday I received my brand spankin' new BonLook frames in the mail. I ordered La Marquise in Tortoise and I have a winner. I've never glasses ordered online and I was so surprised & pleased that my frames fit so well without an actual try on. Also I lucked out on one of their coupon deals and scored a pair of prescription frames for only $75 buckaroos. Free shipping! I am in love with them. My dearest approved them as well which is great since he had no idea what kind of frames I ordered. Anyway, I had a lovely Tuesday and am having a fantastic Wednesday. I have been gone a while so fill me in on what's shaking in your neck of the woods! Cheers to all!

***On a side note, I have been feeling quite a bit of Holiday cheer already. ;)
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Outfit Details:
50's Vintage Swing Peacoat - Thrifted
Dress: Plato's Closet
Orange Creamsicle Peter Pan Blouse: Ross
Tights: Target
Boots: Qupid 
Belt: Thrifted ($0.44 WHAT A DEAL)

**This next picture is a little bit blurry because of the overcast lighting but I am mainly sharing it for Dan since he insisted it was cute nonetheless. :D
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Here are the rest of the photos.
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  1. I've been feeling that holiday spirit too! And pictures like these only help :) This might be one of my favorite things I've seen you wear--I love the sweet vintage feel, and the cream-and-pumpkin color palette.

  2. You look so regal in the first photo! I love the cape, makes me wish the weather would stay a bit chilly just to be able to wear such things here!

  3. Oh my gosh, you are adorable! I absolutely love this entire outfit, especially the dress. I'm a sucker for anything lace. And your new glasses are lovely!

    So excited to have found your blog :)

  4. I love this look! I can't believe you thrifted that coat - it's beautiful. Great tights, too!

    xo, Michelle
    Neon Rattail

  5. This look is darling! I love that color combination of cream/orange/brown. Also, those glasses look awesome on you. I've been meaning to order some from Bonlook for awhile. I just need to pull the trigger!

  6. Photos are gorgeous and your coat is AMAZING! <3

  7. Beautiful details in the dress! Gorgeous! Love that bright pop of red also!

    - Anna

  8. Thanks so much for the sweet comment! Your blog is just wonderful! I found you through the Style Gallery as well and adore your posts. Also, I am in love with those shoes. This whole look is gorgeous!

    Jenny Lee

  9. LOVE LOVE this look. The colours are very autmnal and those boots are insane.


  10. I absolutely love this outfit!
    You look adorable :)
    Britt @ One&20

  11. I love this look- a total classic built of staple pieces.
