Wednesday, October 30, 2013

College Midterms = (MIA)

Hello readers! I have been MIA lately because of midterm week. I had a major test last week and I have 2 design projects in queue, along with three 3-paged article critiques due next week. Also, I have a side design project requested this week. So, I have had my hands full. This weekend was my best friend's birthday and halloween party with Dan and his family. All was well but now I have to get to work. Here are a few photos from the past week/weekend. Toodles!

Halloween Party at Natalie's!

Having a good make up day!


  1. All of this looks great! Especially the costumes and your kitty :)

  2. You're so pretty!! And I don't know what kind of spider that is in that one photo, but it's crazy looking!!


  3. you look amazing! I have those heart tights haha! It's silly that we have similar wardrobes, you're right: great minds think alike!! <3

  4. OMG ya'lls costumes were adorable!

    ♥, Brittney @ True Vintage Love
