Saturday, October 19, 2013

Like A Leaf Clings To The Trees

Hello all! Today I am sharing again my art work and work progress. My Illustrator work will be shared in the new week. Below are some pen and ink illustrations and watercolor works. I have been messing around with mixed media and learning how to think outside of the box. It is so fun! Life right now is improving on all fronts and I feel like I am finally moving forward again. Here are a few of my works.

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And here are a few snaps of what I've been cooking and eating lately! Dan and I have become creative in the kitchen. We made Okonomiyaki(Japanese egg pizza), Chicken Pesto pasta dish for dinner a few weeks ago, and I've treated myself to some indulgent sweets because I deserve it. I have been working out so hard that a treat is needed. I baked those chocolate peanut butter cup cookies and had Kemp's Moose Track Yogurt Ice Cream last night. Delish! :D

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Lastly here are a few snaps from the week. School life can be fun sometimes. ;)

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I just have to stop here and drool again! He is so dashing and quite a handsome fellow. I am the luckiest girl and get to wake up next to this face everyday! <3

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  1. Yay for watercolor leaves! So pretty....

  2. Nice blog! wanna follow each other dear? :)

  3. Your watercolors are great! And can I come over for dinner sometime? Your food looks wonderful! Hope you have a great day!

    Heidi’s Wanderings

  4. lovely works!!! I especially love the fall leaves. :)

  5. The paintings are beautiful! Lovely photos as well :)


  6. So I entirely want to try that pizza, looks quite delicious. :) Plus, I want one of those paintings, make me one please!

  7. You are really really talented. And completely gorgeous! Also you two are so stinking adorable together :] I LOVE beards hehe.

  8. These pictures are so pretty. It's nice to see people appreciating the small things in life! I really like your "live, create, experience" work- the colors are gorgeous!
