Wednesday, October 30, 2013

College Midterms = (MIA)

Hello readers! I have been MIA lately because of midterm week. I had a major test last week and I have 2 design projects in queue, along with three 3-paged article critiques due next week. Also, I have a side design project requested this week. So, I have had my hands full. This weekend was my best friend's birthday and halloween party with Dan and his family. All was well but now I have to get to work. Here are a few photos from the past week/weekend. Toodles!

Halloween Party at Natalie's!

Having a good make up day!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Weekend Ready!

 Outfit Details:
Navy Sweater: Threadflip
Dress: Xhilaration
Tights: Target
Purse: Rue21
Socks: Target
Boots: Target

Happy Friday ya'll! I have come to a conclusion that I must love shopping at Target. I have so many things from that place. Its crazy. In other news, today is my dearest, bestest friend in the whole wide world's birthday! I would like to shout HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a friend who is like the sister I never had growing up. She is very near and dear to my heart. After all these years of friendship, through good and bad times, she's always had my back. Back when I had no where to turn and no one to turn to, she was always waiting for me with honesty, great advice and fun shopping ventures. She lets you be you! No changing needed. I wouldn't change her for the world! Happy Birfday!! :D

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

(P.S. I follow along on my Instagram to see what we are up to tonight and the Halloween Party tomorrow night! @cclemon88)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, RUBY!

Hello! お久しぶりです.(O-hisashiburi!) Long time! This past Tuesday my best pal Ashlee and I went on an impromptu photo and shopping excursion! We had a great time talking, driving around and shopping. We stopped at Whole Foods for lunch after snapping some photos around my area. It was a lovely fall day. I must say that I cannot complain about the weather in Texas because it has been fantabulous! I officially have fall fever. Better late than never right? Any hoot, I remixed this lovely gem I found at Target last fall. I wore it mid-summer with my cowgirl boots. I layered it with a thrifted Kenneth Cole find from this past summer, a bow belt and my heart printed tights. Studded heels were my go-to for footwear. I felt like it gave my outfit the extra "oomph" I was looking for. You can find interesting printed dresses like this one at your local Plato's Closet as well! I think I will be making my way down there this weekend for a few new fall pieces.

Here's how I wore it mid-summer.

Here's How I wore it this fall.
Outfit Details:
Top: Kenneth Cole(Thrifted)
Dress: Target
Belt: Rue21
Tights: Charlotte Russe
Shoes: Thrifted ($3 WHAT?!)
Bag: Juicy Couture
(There was an adorable little girl singing in gibberish crossing the street,
 hence the uncontrollable laughter.)

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Like A Leaf Clings To The Trees

Hello all! Today I am sharing again my art work and work progress. My Illustrator work will be shared in the new week. Below are some pen and ink illustrations and watercolor works. I have been messing around with mixed media and learning how to think outside of the box. It is so fun! Life right now is improving on all fronts and I feel like I am finally moving forward again. Here are a few of my works.

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And here are a few snaps of what I've been cooking and eating lately! Dan and I have become creative in the kitchen. We made Okonomiyaki(Japanese egg pizza), Chicken Pesto pasta dish for dinner a few weeks ago, and I've treated myself to some indulgent sweets because I deserve it. I have been working out so hard that a treat is needed. I baked those chocolate peanut butter cup cookies and had Kemp's Moose Track Yogurt Ice Cream last night. Delish! :D

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Lastly here are a few snaps from the week. School life can be fun sometimes. ;)

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I just have to stop here and drool again! He is so dashing and quite a handsome fellow. I am the luckiest girl and get to wake up next to this face everyday! <3

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