Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Showboat Drive-In: It's Intermission Time

For almost a year I have been itching to drive out to this Drive in movie theater in the countryside. I've never been to one and want to experience it before they're all torn down and all we have are memories of it. So, my one request of my boyfriend this year was to ensure that on my birthday night we go to the movies. Lucky for me Riddick just came out so I had an extra boost at convincing him to take me. We had a quiet dinner at home. We cooked tuna steak on mix greens salad with spinach and ginger dressing. YUM!!! The weather was perfect and gorgeous! We got to take pictures before the sunset. I wore this beautiful 60's vintage dress that I got from Fancytreehouse ages ago online. I haven't been able to fit the bust because of my weight. But, to my surprise the week of my birthday I tried it on and it FIT!!!! It was truly meant to be. All of it. It was like a dream. I had great fun. Also yesterday, Dan's parents took us out for sushi! We had fun chatting about silly stories, playing with all of his mom's cat's and laughed. They got me a Hello Kitty plushy and some new cateye frames that I am dying to wear this fall. I fell in love with them immediately. I am so stoked. Anyway, I hope you lovelies had a wonderful weekend. What adventures did you go on this weekend?

Outfit Details:
Vintage Dress: Fancytreehouse
Belt: From another dress
Shoes: Thrifted at Plato's Closet
Neon Cardi: Mossimo at Target


  1. You look lovely in the dress, fits you perfectly, the shots by the wall are flippin' awesome!

  2. Cool beans! My husband and I went to a drive-in for the first time this summer, an it was loads of fun. The dress looks amazing and those snacks look nummy!

  3. Love your pics! You look adorable!


  4. What a fun place to take pics! I've always wanted to go to a drive-in, there's one where I live but I haven't gone yet! It's on my bucket list hehe

    Rachel Emma
    Daydream Frenzy

  5. ah, drive in's! i love them! i must head to one again before summer is officially over, i love the photographs you took here!

    lindsey louise


  6. this dress was made for you! love the colors and the FIT! my gosh you look fab!

    Lady à la Mode

  7. Aaw you look dazzling! Love the cute and sexy dress on you! Fab heels too! <3

  8. You are just adorable. I LOVE your dress!

    Xo, Hannah


  9. Good thing the dress fits now, cause it looks adorable on you :)

    Mili from call me, Maeby

  10. you look beautiful!


  11. the third picture is amazing!!
    and I am practically drooling on your dress
    the orange looks great on your skin :)

    drive in movie? that looks like fun!

    The Sweetest Escape 

  12. Cute blog! I couldn't find a section to e-mail you - would you mind if I added you to my blogroll?

    A Coin For the Well
