Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Spider Lurking in the Night...

Hello All! I have been a bit MIA because of school and other things that have been more imperative to my well being. I love blogging and sharing things with you all but my life has become a bit unorganized. So I took some time off to get back to work on assignments and personal affairs that have long needed my tender love and care. But I would like to share with you my growing love for illustration.

 I find that illustration with different mediums are quite the stress reliever for me. I have been working with pen, ink and watercolor. Although, these works were assignments, my professor did not specify what to draw how to draw it or what technique to use. Her words of choice were, "PLAY WITH IT!" And I feel that it truly challenges you to think outside of the box and try different techniques you've never tried. It also ties into my Adobe Illustrator class. Things I create on paper can and have inspired things I create for the web. I am really pleased and grateful that I chose to take these courses this semester because it is that special something that will define my work and set me aside from the rest of my competitors when I get into my field when I graduate. Here are a few of my works and what I've been up to. What inspires you?!

These are some of the gifts I received for my birthday from Dan and his parents. I fell in love with those cateye frames and cannot wait to wear them!
These gifts are from my bestest friend in the world Ashlee Elle! She crocheted the belt, bow and headband from scratch. She is so talented! You should check out her shop HERE! That romper is vintage and AMAZING! It was only $8. Can you believe that? She gifted me that on my birthday. Love her!

 And these are photos from birthday and birthday night with Ashlee and also with le boyfriend. Dan and I watched a crazy 60s japanese film with Sonny Chiba in a wicked role as an expert samurai swordsman. The Fall of Ako Castle is the name. Check it out if you have time.

And last but certainly not least, BARAGON! My bearded dragon friend! He is such a cutie pie and is so sweet to me. He has been really hamming it up lately with me. Maybe its the warm baths and change in his diet but his beard and mood have been less lethargic and more energetic. I love the little guy! <3 If you are still reading at this point I thank you for reading. Hope you had a lovely Tuesday!


  1. Inspiration is a fickle dame. She can show up at any time and usually when she does, at least in my case, I am utterly unprepared. I don't have any one source of inspiration. It's a rather transient phenomenon. I can be inspired by part of a conversation I overheard on the street, by the natural colors around me (e.g. clear blue sky and colorful Fall leaves), by the feeling I get from a particular song, etc. In this regard, I just keep an open mind, take inspiration from wherever it comes and try not to squander it. :D

    Hey, before I forget, your feature will post tomorrow on my blog and on my Facebook page! :D


    - Anna


  2. you're so talented! painting is a huge stress-reliever for me.

    p.s. I love your Deathnote dolls, how cute!!! ^^

  3. Gah, you are quite welcome dear! Love the art, but of course and perhaps someone could gift me one for my (cough cough) birthday...;) Lol Quite the talented bee you are! :)
    This entirely inspires me to get back to my pen and ink illustrations, I miss them so!
