Sunday, July 21, 2013

Massive Vintage Haul Overload & Purchases from Chicago

Sorry for the delay! Alas! Here are all my items purchased in the past week. This first batch of photos are all of my purchases in from before and while I was on vacation. But its gets even better! *Drum roll*


Tada! All new wonderful and insanely vintage items! I went out with my Boyfriend's mother and sister and we found a ton of things while thifting. Not to mention this last Friday I went back and found those lovely lavender loafers, the bamboo printed blouse, Betsey Johnson inspired dress, and loads more. I am finally content with my clothing collection(for myself that is) and now I can focus on my items for sale! Speaking of items for sale I will be posting more shoes and dresses for sale on my Ebay. So look out for that.
This afternoon was lovely and my darling was kind enough to cook me dinner again! This time from scratch and with a recipe book. I am soo proud of him. He's been cooking and cleaning and doing laundry and not leaving things on the floor or around. I don't know what's gotten into him but I LIKE IT! And of course I love him. So in closing I had a bad ass week/weekend and will be back to the daily grind this week. Until we meet again!


  1. Wow!
    I want to be there now and buy as lots wunderful items as you did! ♥

    Love, Vanny ♥
    Leere Zeilen

    1. Omg I know right. It was like I was in a dream!

  2. Oh my goodness, you got such cute new items! I love the floral crop top/bustier!

    Xo, Hannah

  3. This stuff is amazing! You have a great eye for cute finds. I especially love that white lace dress!



    Southern (California) Belle

  4. Wow, you weren't kidding! This is quite the haul! I'm not sure which is my favourite item? The comic book print top and the super high burgundy heels are catching my eye though :)

    A Coin For the Well
