Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What I've Been Up To

Hello readers! I have been busy working on Sociology review for my final (which was yesterday), Illustrator assignments and painting in class and at home. I also started working at Urban Outfitters which has taken up my extra time for blogging. Unfortunately, google is not friendly to my works. I'll figure that out at some point. Anyways! Here are my works. I have these all printed 11X14 in my portfolio.

Here is what else I've been up to in the last few weeks I have been away!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Hello Darlings! Happy Tuesday to you! Thanksgiving is only a week and one day away. How did it get here so quickly?! I have no idea. Anyway, Dan and I went out to grab a few photos at sunset before dinner. It was really breezy out. I am enjoying the cooler days. I finally get to wear long sleeve dresses. This houndstooth number is from Wholesale Dress. I was surprised that it actually fit. I was so worried it would be a let down but it fantastic. And it looks pretty chic. I do believe it will be my last purchase from them though. School life has been a bit busy. I have exams tomorrow and I am so frightened.  Keep your fingers crossed for me. I always get super nervous before the exam. I mean who doesn't? What projects/ deadlines are you working on these days? Do share and don't be shy! ;)
Outfit Details:
Peter Pan Houndstooth Dress: Wholesale Dress
Belt: Thrifted
Tights: Hue
Shoes: A'Gaci
Frames: Bonlook
Turban: Dream In Vintage Shoppe on Etsy
Bracelet: Tiffany & Co.
**Something was in my eye. Haha!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Style Tip: Being Bold, In the Cold.

Hello there. Not too much to say today except. BE BOLD! No matter how chilly the weather, I am always up for being bold. I know the season change but I love mint, neon pink and bright colors in the fall. I scored this lovely high-low sleeveless dress at Plato's Closet for ten bucks!  I wasn't sure at first how I would work this thing. Once I got it home though I knew it would work out. Sometimes when out thrifting or just shopping, making one bold choice for a focal piece can make the outfit. If you aren't comfortable doing it up like this, choose a statement piece like an intricate necklace, bright colored scarf, or a patterned heel. What ever suits you. It was freezing outside when these were taken. The temperature was dropping by the minute. By the time we left I was shivering into my coat.
Enough about me, what is your bold statement go to when you are feeling fearless?

Outfit Details:

Dress: Plato's Closet Memorial City
Blouse and Scarf: Ross
Tights: HUE
Boots: T.J. MAXX
Sunnies: Rue21
La Marquise Frames: BonLook
Bracelet: Tiffany & Co.

My Guy. ;) 
(Yes those are my frames. I asked him to hold them for me while I wore my sunnies. :P)


I am most certainly loving my new BonLook frames. They grew on me very quickly. 

I took this one because this was such a beautiful flower. I couldn't leave without snapping one. 

Here's a silhouette photo taken by Dan. He just has a good eye I guess. I just like this one. :D

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Orange You Clad

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Hello Lovelies! Yesterday, Texas finally started feeling a bit more like the REAL November that I know and loved in New York City. COLD! A Nice, breezy, cold front rolled in during the late afternoon which caused me to reach for my peter pan collared baby doll swing coat! I love this coat with all my heart. I feel like a little fancy lady wearing it. Also, on Monday I received my brand spankin' new BonLook frames in the mail. I ordered La Marquise in Tortoise and I have a winner. I've never glasses ordered online and I was so surprised & pleased that my frames fit so well without an actual try on. Also I lucked out on one of their coupon deals and scored a pair of prescription frames for only $75 buckaroos. Free shipping! I am in love with them. My dearest approved them as well which is great since he had no idea what kind of frames I ordered. Anyway, I had a lovely Tuesday and am having a fantastic Wednesday. I have been gone a while so fill me in on what's shaking in your neck of the woods! Cheers to all!

***On a side note, I have been feeling quite a bit of Holiday cheer already. ;)
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Outfit Details:
50's Vintage Swing Peacoat - Thrifted
Dress: Plato's Closet
Orange Creamsicle Peter Pan Blouse: Ross
Tights: Target
Boots: Qupid 
Belt: Thrifted ($0.44 WHAT A DEAL)

**This next picture is a little bit blurry because of the overcast lighting but I am mainly sharing it for Dan since he insisted it was cute nonetheless. :D
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Here are the rest of the photos.
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