Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hello From My Hectic Life USA!

Long time no see me? Yes, indeed I have been away far too long. Of course there is a very valid reason. LIFE! Back in the summer of 2013 I was just starting back to school and looking for work. Once I started working at Urban Outfitters, it became increasingly difficult to maintain my blog along with school and other life issues that were first priority. The Holidays were exciting and oh so eventful! I got to meet Dan's wonderful extended family and enjoy some time with my dad on Christmas Day. After the holidays I had some decision making to do.

Now, in the new year I am finally attending school FULL TIME! Its been a while. I have been a part time student for about 2 years and for this last stretch I've decided to tackle my remaining classes to graduate on time. So, I parted ways with Urban ( :'''''''( oh how I miss my discount!) and started studying hard. Today, campuses were closed due to inclement weather but it was so cold I did not even both taking any pictures. Any woo, I am alive and well and I have not disappeared! I'm still kicking! If you would like to continue keeping up with me follow along on Instagram. It is the easiest and most convenient way to stay social without taking too much time away from my studies. Maybe once, I get situated with my course loads (and it warms up) I will do my very best to share some new outfits with you ladies!

In other news my wardrobe has changed quite a bit! From last year until now I have been on a journey of getting into the best shape of my life! I do not strive to "be skinny" but to be healthy and fabulous. My usual time allotted for this blog has been replaced with hitting the gym 4-5 days a week. I have been going regularly since September and have made serious gains since starting my strength training one month ago. I just might be able to finally lose the tiny amount of "extra love" around my tummy. :D

If you have read this entirely too long update post I say KUDOS to you and THANK YOU!
Since I've been out of the loop. What's happening in your neck of the woods?!

P.S. Here are a few photos from my life since December.