Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Memorial Day Festivities

Hello! Its been a few days. Been getting on track with the work schedule.
On Memorial Day, my boyfriend and I went over to his sister Natalie's house to fire up the grill. We had some fun out in the sun and she was kind enough to take my blog pictures for me. Also, she modeled one of the dresses I will be selling online soon. I cannot fit into it at all. She wore it so beautifully. We had a blast! Can't wait do do it again!

Here's Nat owning the vintage housewife look!

Until next time!!

Monday, May 27, 2013


This is brief as once again I am very sleepy. But more photos to come. :D

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Paris is Burning.

All of my posts have been so late. Anyway, today was a good day. I am on my way to bed after this post but I needed to post.

Dress: Gift From Ashlee
Shoes: Forever 21
Head Scarf: LoveCulture
Bracelet: Gift for Xmas
Ring:Local jewelry store.
Bow Front Purse: Charlotte Russe
The end.....until tomorrow.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Summertime is here again

Hello world, Its been a few days since my last post. Texas just change seasons and it's a little bit harder to take pictures while sweating my pants off. Anyway, I am going to be opening up a little e-bay store in the near future. Here are a few sneak peeks at some items that will be for sale. Enjoy!

The dress, scarf and shoes are going to be sold separately.
I will be posting more items tomorrow because unfortunately my bed is calling my name.


Monday, May 13, 2013

I am back!

Hello world, I have been MIA for a few months. School and work have been quite hectic and I have been very busy. But school is out for the summer so I will be posting more actively. Here are a few pictures from Instagram from the past few months in San Antonio and Austin.

This week I have a few photo shoots scheduled and will have some outfits to share. This should hopefully become a daily trend rather than a once in a blue moon thing. Toodles for now!